The treatment of prostatitis the popular media — the most effective

The year

Starting the treatment of prostatitis folk ways, and the most effective methods of feedback from experienced professionals, consist of a: physical exercise and the diet, all the details are on this web site. Prostatitis, and in any of its properties, is a disease of inflammation, not infection. In this context, the exercises improve blood flow and circulation to the prostate gland – is the most effective in the fight against the disease.

Squat your own weight, and you lift the leg, scissors, and other exercises for the lower part of the body, that is all that is needed for the treatment of this disease. Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment, it is necessary for the training to include, and cardio exercises such as running, jumping, working on the simulator for endurance, swimming and cycling.

Recipes, studio

The color of aspen of prostatitis

The prevention of prostatitis, with the help of some recipes – this is the second of the efficiency of the tool. It is, however, used much more often than the former, due to the fact that it is much easier and doesn't force you to work with, and-most importantly – delicious! In addition, not all people have the opportunity to participate in sports due to any physical or severe obesity.

The most popular are the recipes:

Tea with honey – it will be necessary to completely abandon sugar as well as using it in your diet, it's just the honey for about 150 to 200 grams per day. This is a natural product and improves urination, reduces pain, and brings the performance of the body.

  • Pumpkin – you can't ask for any sort of income, enough to drink a glass of pumpkin juice a day, to feed the body with useful vitamins and trace elements. Thus, it is useful for is for fresh seeds from a pumpkin, no baking, just as they have in the composition the greater the amount of zinc, which is necessary for the men. To use the diet, this plant does not need more than a month.
  • Dye-in in aspen – the bark, you will need to collect in spring, with a thickness of approximately 3 mm to 5 mm, after which they will be the mixture in the blender and pour in the vodka, giving it a rest for a couple weeks on the inside of the inner light. To drink in a day, you need 3-4 cups of infusion, diluting the part of the 1/4 of water.
  • Also good for eating would be: parsley, onion, garlic, fennel, cherries, ginger, and peanuts.

Herbal medicine

There, and celandine is a breeze in the grass, which is very good for helping in the initial stages of treatment as they reduce the pain of muscle spasms and to help in the recovery from the urinary tract system.

The absinthe that you can use in a cool, dry place and in a way, sprinkled with just a hint of one gram of water at each meal. In this case, if it is still in the hand, and the thyme that you will be able to make the stock, in this proportion, for the absinthe that was 4 times as much. It will take an hour before you eat, within a period of one month.

In the treatment of celandineom, you have to get the juice, and add a couple of drops in a cup of boiling water. Drink these beverages in a day, you need at least 10.